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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Condoleezza on Social Media

           Condoleezza Rice is pretty active on social media. Currently she has a Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter profile, which she posts on rather frequently. I have attached links to each of these social media profiles on the left side of my blog page, for those of you that are interested in seeing what Rice shares online. It is generally assumed that people of high status (politicians, celebrities, etc.) do not run their own social media pages, but I truly believe that Rice does. The posts she puts up are personal and "normal". They are posts that you would expect to see from your mom or aunt, well that is if your mom or aunt is a sports fanatic and extremely patriotic.
          I apparently am not the only person who believes that Condoleezza is qualified to run for president, because someone created a “Condoleezza Rice for President 2016” Facebook page, and I promise it was not me. This Facebook page has been up and running since November 9, 2012. Whoever made this Facebook page is obviously dedicated to the cause because they have kept the page up and running for the past three and a half years. As dedicated as the creator of the Facebook page is, I fear that their Facebook presence is actually harmful to Condoleezza’s image. Multiple of the posts have spelling and grammar errors, making them look unintelligent. There are numerous negative posts against President Obama on the Facebook page. Even though Condoleezza may not agree with the president on everything, I believe that she has respect for him and his position and therefore would not publicly bash him on social media. Condoleezza is a classy lady, she is not the type to post negative things about our nation’s leader, and I do not think that she would want to be associated with that type of behavior. Even though the page clearly states that it is not ran by Condoleezza, they use pictures that and articles that Condoleezza is posting on her personal Facebook account which would make people believe Condoleezza herself agrees with the comments the “fan page” is posting.

Here is a link to the Condoleezza Rice for President 2016 page for those of you that are interested:

            If Condoleezza decides that she does want to run for president in 2016 she needs to become more present on social media in a political way. She already posts on a regular basis, but if she wants people to view her as a candidate she needs to start posting about political issues. I also believe that she needs to make a Youtube channel and needs to start posting videos of herself talking about her stance on the issues. Most importantly Condoleezza would need to create a personal website promoting herself and her platform.


  1. I'm writing about Condoleezza as well on my blog and I didn't even consider looking in to that Rice for 2016 Facebook Page. But I do agree that it's not good for her image. No one running for office wants to be associated with a poorly managed social media page, because regardless if she runs it or not if people are searching for it, that's the only thing they are going to see. Good find!

    1. Thanks, I don't really remember how I came across that Facebook page, but I thought it was a good find.

  2. I actually went to her Facebook profile and one thing that I saw a lot of was Obama. I'm sure this is a strategy but it seems to be a common thing that new candidates are doing. My thoughts are that it's to show they are currently involved and up to date with the past and what has happened. Your thoughts?

    1. I agree, I think that politicians (or even people who have worked with politicians) are posting things about Obama to show there knowledge of the past and what they are going to do to improve the future.

  3. Do you think it is a sign, by not disassociating herself from the other Facebook page, that she is not seeking to run for presidency in 2016?

    1. Yes, Condoleezza has said that she is happy being a professor and has no desire to run.

  4. Do you think a lot of the voters would actually look at that FB page and because of spelling decide not to vote for her? Also wouldnt their campaign try to shut that site down.

    1. I know that if I saw a Facebook page that I thought was associated with a campaign that had spelling errors I would think the candidate is incompetent and I wouldn't vote for them. If Condoleezza were to run I am sure that the page would be shut down and an official campaign Facebook page would be created.

  5. I agree that Condoleezza would need to become more present on social media in a political way. However, do you think that this also helps her relate to the American public? I think that she has potential to find a good balance of posting continually of what she would like but also incorporating more politically.

    1. That is a good argument, her personal post could help her relate to the public. That isn't something I had thought about, but I definitely could see that being the case.
