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Thursday, February 5, 2015

Who is Condoleeza Rice?

             Condoleezza Rice is a politician, golfer, sports fanatic, an educator, and arguably one of the most powerful women in the world. Condoleezza Rice was born in Birmingham, Alabama on November 14, 1954 to two educators. Rice grew up in an extremely segregated environment, but her parents refused to let that stop their daughter from achieving greatness. Rice’s amazing accomplishments started at a young age, she began piano lessons when she was three years old and had her first recital when she was four. If that was not enough for a young girl she also took French, Spanish, and became a competitive figure skater. Rice was also an exceptional student, she completely skipped first grade and advanced from sixth to eighth grade. Rice graduate high school at the age of fifteen, while she was simultaneously finishing her first year of college at the University of Denver. Rice graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 and a year later she received her master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame. In 1981, she received her Ph.D. form the University of Denver’s Graduate School of International Studies, and joined Stanford University as a political science professor.  
            Condoleezza Rice has made history more than once during her lifetime. Rice became the first woman and the first African-American to serve as provost of Stanford University in 1993. In 2001, Rice became the first black woman to hold the position of national security advisor.  In 2004, she became the first black woman to serve as U.S. Secretary of State. In 2012 Rice (and Darla Moore) became the first women to become members of the Augusta National Golf Club.

            Rice has had quite the political career, in the mid- 1980’s she worked as an international affairs fellow attached to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. She became the director of Soviet and East European affairs with the National Security Council, and special assistant to President George H.W. Bush in 1989. She served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender-Integrated Training in the Military in 1997. In 2001, President George W. Bush appointed Rice as the national security advisor. In 2004, she became the U.S. Secretary of State.

            Rice fits all of the basic requirements to run for president, she is over the age of thirty-five and is a U.S. Citizen. It is her political background and the amazing accomplishments that she has achieved that make her qualified for the position though. Rice is the epitome of the American dream. She has made history repeatedly, and I believe she could make history again by becoming the first woman president.

Below are the articles I used for the information on Condoleezza Rice.


  1. I have to confess my ignorance as to exactly who Condoleeza Rice really is. I have known she is a strong woman working hard on issues she is passionate for. I love how you went in depth with her background. It gave me a sense of just how much she is the walking embodiment of the American Dream. Her extensive work and education in international affairs would be super beneficial to the United States in dealing with foreign policy and diplomacy. This is something we have had issues with in the past, however I think she could shed a new, lovely light on the US in the eyes of our foreign peers. Do you happen to know if she has any potential backing for a good campaign run? I would be curious to know what she has in her corner.
    Thanks for the great info and research into Condi! I look forward to seeing more this semester.

    1. I think the work she has done with both President George H.W. Bush and with President George W. Bush is good backing for a campaign run. They have not only given her hands on experience, but I believe they would back her if she decided to run.

  2. I love that you chose Rice. She is very unique individual and a great mind. Do you think her love for college football may ultimately pull her from running for a huge office again? (Serious question) She seems very involved with the new system of college football and their have been rumors of her wanting a greater commitment to the process. Great job!

    1. Yes, I do. Condoleezza Rice has mentioned that she is done with politics and isn't interested in running for anything in the future. She obviously loves sports, and college football in particular, I think it is safe to say that she would be more likely to pursue a larger role in college football than politics.

  3. Your conclusion was very well stated and gives the reader the opportunity to ponder just how qualified Rice is for the office of President. Her intelligence, drive, and political experience come together in an impressive resume for a potential Presidental candidate.

  4. The entire blog did a phenomenal job of describing the intricate and personal aspects of Rice. It was interesting to read about her background and accomplishments throughout her life. I look forward to following more of your posts!

  5. You did a really good job of describing who she is and why she is qualified. Do you think there is anything holding her back from running or is she a shoe-in for the campaign trial?

    1. Although I would love to see Condoleezza run because she is such a strong female leader, she has stated that she wants to teach and is not interested in running for a major political office.
