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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Liberal vs. Conservative Media outlets

After doing some research, I found two articles about Condoleezza Rice that are related to the war in the Middle East. Although, both articles address the war in the Middle East, they are very different in substance and views. One is from what is to be considered a “liberal” news outlet and the other from a “conservative” news outlet.

The “liberal” article I found was from the New York Times, and was called Condoleezza Rice Testifies on Urging The Times to Not Run Article. This article focuses on how the Times was asked to not run a story involving classified information about a plan to disrupt the Iran nuclear program. Rice and other White House officials believed that the release of this information would be detrimental to our national security. The way the article is worded implies that they do not believe that White House officials should be able to stop articles from being published, and that they feel like Condoleezza Rice is in the wrong. “Ms. Abramson, who was the Washington bureau chief at the time, said recently that she regretted not pushing to publish it.”

The “conservative” article I found was from Fox News, and was called Brian’s Exclusive Interviews With Former Secretary Of State Condoleezza Rice. The interview covered a lot of different things, including the war in the Middle East and why Condoleezza feels we should have left forces in Iraq.  Condoleezza’s reasons for why we should have left forces in Iraq are that the different tribes trusted the United States more than they trusted each other, and having our forces leave made the military and political foundation fall apart. 

Written overview of the interview:

There were two major differences I noticed; the picture used and the language. The New York Times used a hideous picture of Condoleezza looking very angry, and Fox News used a picture of Condoleezza looking like an average person. The language in the headlines alone tells you what kind of attitude towards Condoleezza they are portraying, The New York Times headline makes it sound like working with Condoleezza is impossible, and Fox News headline makes it sound like working with Condoleezza is an honor. 

Both articles accurately portray Condoleezza as a strong and powerful woman. I think Fox News was generous by not saying anything negative about the war in the Middle East and all of the issues going on over there currently. I think it was unfair of The New York Times to depict Condoleezza Rice as a bully that pushes innocent reporters around. If a person only saw the Fox News article they would love Condoleezza and wouldn’t see the negatives regarding the war in the Middle East and her involvement. If a person only read The New York Times article they would think Condoleezza is a bully, and they wouldn’t see all of the great things she has accomplished and done for our country.   


  1. I find it really interesting the difference in the way both chose to portray Condi with such contrasting pictures. It's pretty smart though, on both media outlets parts. We see this happen so much and it works unfortunately. What did you feel right at the moment you saw the difference of the two pics?

    1. I felt like it was kind of sexist because I feel like in media they focus so much on the appearance of women. By using two contrasting pictures I felt like each media outlet was defining Condi by how she appeared in the pictures.

  2. Do you think the public really knows Condi? What will it take?
    ...I wish she would run. Maybe Fiorina/Rice 2016? :)

    1. If Fiorina gets Rice as her running mate, she just might get my vote. I don't think the public really knows Condi, and I really wish she would get out there more because she is an incredible person that has accomplished so much.

  3. What do you think she can do to raise awareness of her stances on issues and opinions. I don't hear much about her in the news, do you think she can do more to get into the news and into a positive public light?

    1. I think she really would just need to put herself out there more. I get the feeling that she is kind of a private person, and does not publicize herself and her stances because she does not care to. I think if she wanted media attention she could easily get it.
