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Join Condoleezza's team

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Condoleezza Rice Advertisements

            My candidate has never run for a political office so finding political advertisements for her campaign was impossible. However, I was able to find advertisements with her in it endorsing different candidates.

            Condoleezza starred in Dan Sullivan’s advertisement during the 2014 Alaskan Senate election. Dan Sullivan used Condoleezza to give him credibility. Condoleezza provides credibility to his national security ability and high lights his military service. As the former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s opinion of a candidate carries a lot of weight. This ad is definitely candidate-positive. I think that it is both an image and issue ad.  The ad is building up the candidate’s image as well as addressing issues of national security. She mentions how national security is a major issue in our nation and how Dan Sullivan would fight to keep our country safe. The fact that Dan Sullivan is a marine and has fought to protect our nation already adds to his national security credibility. I think that using Condoleezza was not only because she is an influential person, but also because she is an influential woman. Having an influential woman supporting a male candidate is likely able to persuade women voters.

            In 2010 Condoleezza Rice supported California Governor candidate Meg Whitman. Unlike the more recent ad for Dan Sullivan, Condoleezza Rice was not the star of this advertisement; Mitt Romney and Jon Coupal accompanied her. Like the Dan Sullivan advertisement this is also a candidate-positive ad. This advertisement is also both an image and an issue ad. They are working to portray Meg Whitman in a positive light saying that she is a strong leader. They also touch on issues such as the financial crisis in California, and proposition 13. In 2010 there was a budget crisis going on in California, so finances and property taxes (proposition 13) were issues that were important to California voters. Condoleezza talked the least out of the three Meg Whitman supporters in the ad, which I think is because the other two supporters are more credible when it comes to budget and tax issues. Mitt Romney knows what it takes to be a Governor so his support of a candidate for Governor might hold more weight than Condoleezza’s support. Jon Coupal is the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association so he is going to be more knowledgeable about budgets and taxes than Rice is, and his opinion on those issues is going to mean more to voters.  Although Mitt Romney and Jon Coupal are more experienced in the issues they are addressing, Condoleezza Rice is in this advertisement for a reason. I believe they picked her for this advertisement to show that women can also be powerful leaders. When they are all saying adjectives that describe Meg Whitman, Condoleezza says she is strong. I think they were trying to create some connection between Rice and Whitman, saying look women can be strong and influential too.

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